The school library is named "The Marge Pope Library" after Mrs Marge Pope who had a long association with Milperra Public School as:
- Pupil (Marge Taylor) -- 1931-1936
- Teacher -- 1944 -1946
- Infants Mistress -- 1975 until death in 1980.
In all her actions through life, she lived up to the school motto "Aim High".
All students visit the library every week and are encouraged to borrow books to read at home. As well as during lesson time, the library is open during lunch from 1.00 -1.25 pm each day.
Parents are asked to ensure that children have a suitable library bag for borrowing. Please note that any books that are lost or damaged must be replaced or paid for.
The library also has an interactive whiteboard and sixteen computers that can be used during class and lunch times.